Summer-Fall 2024 Official Opinions
Business Senator Spring: "Clarification of Legality Regarding the Appointment of Business College Senator (Spring 2024 Semester)"
June 20th: "Clarification on a Vote of No Confidence for an Unsworn ASNMSU Senator Appointment"
July 1st: "Legal Opinion on Adding App Proficiency Requirements for ASNMSU Public Relations Positions"
July 11th: "Clarification on Approval Order for ASNMSU Election Packet by Senate and Election Board"
July 18th: "Recommendations on Senate Seat Apportionment for Equation in the ASNMSU Bylaws"
August 5th: "Clarification on the Appointment Process for ASNMSU Chief of Staff in the Event of a Vacancy"
August 22nd: "Clarification on Class Credit Requirements for ASNMSU Graduate Senators"
August 26th: "Clarification on Reimbursement Eligibility for ASNME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference Attendance"
August 30th: "Clarification on the Legality of Senator Avilucea's Qualifications Under ASNMSU Bylaw 6-3, Section C"
September 5th: "Clarification on the Legality of Hebah Alhalholy’s Senate Qualifications Under ASNMSU Bylaws"
September 6th: "Clarification on Senate Officer Definitions, Fee-Paying Eligibility, and Election Packet Compliance – OVERULED: *Please read F24-SCR-1"
October 9th: "Clarification on the Reassignment of ASNMSU Senate Seat 14 to HEST College"
October 10th: "Clarification on Procedure for Un-Tabling Impeachment Resolutions in Committee of the Whole (C.O.W.)"
October 16th: "Clarification on the Procedure for Impeachment Resolutions in the ASNMSU Committee of the Whole (C.O.W.)"
November 10th: "Legal Considerations and Tax Implications for Reimbursement of Convention Travel Under Bills 47 and 49"
Dec 5th: "Eligibility of Non-Student Org.'s for Reimbursement for travel expenses"
Spring 2025 Official Opinions
Jan. 21: "The General Appropriations Act's Maximum Limit per Organization Each Academic Year"