Welcome to the ASNMSU's Attorney General's Office’s webpage!
Here, at ASNMSU – 1st floor of Corbett Center Student Union, Rm. #106, the ASNMSU Attorney General's Office offers an array of services and resources - including:
- Access to ASNMSUs Public Record Documents (current & archived) by requesting specific documents to the AG department by email or a physical-copy request!
\ \ - Request AG Official Opinions, which serve the purpose of interpreting ASNMSUs governing documents (Bylaws, Financial Procedure Manual, College Council Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, etc.) and explaining the ASNMSU legal route to follow when the bylaws are unclear or conflicting.
/ - We can answer any questions involving our department's Deputy Attorney General position / Deputy Internship Program opportunity by email or in-person!
Contact the AGs office at:
Attorney General (AG): asnmsuag@nmsu.edu
Deputy Attorney General (DAG): asnmsu_dag@nmsu.edu